We offer Senior Analysts and Sector Specialists for project quality control

  • Our senior analysts and specialists helps to ensure project planning, execution and quality control and analyze essential information, objective insights regarding international market trends and leads, and competitor analysis. Additionally, we offer Senior Analysts and Sector Specialists for project quality control and involvement wherever data necessitates further interpretation, and insightful conclusions. Receive essential information, objective insights regarding international market trends and leads, and competitor analysis.


We begin by assessing client needs and reviewing existing materials. Once we understand the market research goals, we design a research protocol that would elicit the kinds of information our clients are seeking.


Our experts design every project from scratch, based on our clients’ unique business issues. We don’t use predesigned formulas; rather, we believe that every project is unique.

Questionnaire Development

Our Researchers diligently design respondent-friendly questionnaire, engaging surveys that provide strategic, actionable, unbiased data. The methodology and practices we follow for best brand tracking survey in conjunction with your advertising campaigns plans.

Survey Programming & Hosting

Planning, design and programming your survey, hosting and balancing for online or offline methods are the key attributes. Our team of experienced market research programmers, designers, specializes in programming and surveys, with a deep understanding of the way in which marketers analyze the derived data. From basic things like skip patterns and randomization to the more complex functions of balancing cell and brand assignments, our in-house staff of programmers knows how to move beyond paper, developing surveys that translate to the real world of business.

Data Collection And Field Management

Strategic, thoughtful field management is the difference between interviewing 500 random people and interviewing 500 of the right people, at the right time, for the right cost. To implement a successful survey or brand tracking program seasonality factors and that timing is crucial. Our project managers work with varied market research sample vendors across the globe to ensure that our clients get the highest quality respondents, on time and within budget.

Data Tabulation And Coding.

We are experienced in market research data tabulation and coding, dedicated to helping you find the significance from your data. We provide top notch, affordable tabulation and coding services for market research companies. We are pleasant and easy to work with, and we make sure our clients are 100% satisfied.

Data Analysis And Recommendations

Our analysis consists of a customized report with a high-level executive summary, an accessible presentation of data, a strategic explanation of results and actionable, data-driven recommendations.


Desk Research

We ensure quality desk research services with technology driven data analytics with leads to better decisions. This allows clients to easily search and analyze large datasets. Secondary research can also be done as part of a wider project wherein we crosscheck our primary information through secondary sources to validate the authenticity of data. All the secondary data provided is sourced and linked for the client’s reference.

  • Wide range of sources – public, proprietary, and in-house
  • Employ experienced researchers to ensure high quality.
  • Organize and standardize information.
  • Implement multi-layer QC processes.
  • Deliver through data files or online authoring tools.

Market Sizing & Forecasts

We create quantitative models to help clients estimate the size and growth of markets, using KOL observations to check numbers and assumptions with industry experts. All data is sourced and assumptions are explained.
The core pointers followed in such exercises are:

  • Bottoms-up
  • Starting points are with known data sets as Populations, Incidence rates, Published Economic Indices etc.
  • Numbers are triangulated with existing market estimates. Extrapolation, correlation, and regression techniques used for estimates.
  • Forecast macroeconomic information is also applied where appropriate (e.g. GDP, epidemiological data).
  • Market factors are quantified and applied.

Consumer Research

  • Advertising Awareness & tracking
  • Brand Equity & brand awareness
  • Positioning
  • Usage & Attitudes
  • Consumer Segmentation
  • Customer Journey
  • Concept Testing
  • Pricing / Usability
  • Opinion Polls